Temple Isaiah is grateful for the time and talents of all of its leadership. Each person brings their personal passion and collective commitment to better the congregation. We welcome divergent voices and points of view and make most of our decisions by consensus. We work hard to ensure that our elected officers and trustees reflect the diversity of our congregation. We value the participation and input of all our members and actively encourage people who have not previously been involved in temple governance to participate in short or long-term projects.
The Board of Trustees meets monthly at least nine (9) times per year. All temple members are invited to attend these meetings. Dates shift occasionally, so please check the calendar. Temple members who are logged into their accounts can see Board meeting minutes and agendas for past and upcoming Board meetings and view temple by-laws by clicking the button below.

Board of Trustees

Jane Heifetz

1st VP


VP Administration & Communication
Jodi Sperber

VP Finance

Lynn Stein

VP Jewish Living

Bronte Abraham

VP Leadership & Community Development
Meryl Junik

VP Philanthropy

Carol Colman

VP Tikkun Olam

Wendy Liebow

VP Youth & Family Education
Monica Lussier


Paul Levenson


Judy Perry

Past President

Dan Ostrower

Cynthia Piltch

Rachel Levin Sagaser

Joe Sosnoff

Daniel Abramson

Ali Jordahl

Kathy Pike

Richard Grossman

Jessica Lipman

Evelyn Silber

Brotherhood President

Michael Morrison

Sisterhood Liaison/

Katie Cutler

LEFTY Co-Presidents

Ariel Grossman & Hannah Simon

Senior Rabbi

Rabbi Karen Thomashow

Associate Rabbi

Rabbi Jordi Battis


Cantor Lisa Doob

Senior Executive Director

Judy Shapiro

Adult Learning

Alumni Outreach
Susan Harris

Becky Derby

Bonnie Kelly & Carol Sacerdote

Bikur Cholim
Barbara Levine & Harriet Silverman

Ann Suskind

Fine Arts
Estelle Cushner

High Holy Days
Elliott Gimble & Irwin Grossman

Jewish Voices
Bruce Lynn

L'Dor Vador
Bob Huebscher

Marci Cohen

Abbe Smerling

Mental Health
Fran Detweiler & Karen Funkenstein

Personnel Practices
Evelyn Silber

Reparations & Equity
David Green

Reproductive Justice
Diane Yasgur

Special Arrangements
Ilene Benghiat

Welcoming the Stranger
Don Detweiler

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785