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Alef (Grade 1)

Teacher: Audrey Sandler

Our Grade 1 curriculum, similar to Kindergarten, sets a foundation for a lifetime of Jewish learning.  At Temple Isaiah, we hope to inspire our children to live Jewish lives, supported by their families and the Temple community.  The joys of Torah, Mitzvot (commandments for Jewish living), holidays, and Jewish community are explored throughout the 1st grade year.
More specifically, Grade 1 students participate in Torah Play, a story-based curriculum rooted in Torah stories & Midrashim (interpretative stories about the Torah stories).  Students also bring ancient Torah stories to life by studying the following mitzvot (commandments):  Tzedakah (giving to those in need), Hachnasat Orchim (hospitality), Bikur Holim (visiting the sick), and Kavod (honoring our parents).  Finally, Grade 1 students continue to learn about the rituals and traditions of Jewish holidays through hands-on exploration and community celebrations.  Students make meaning of their learning experiences with wondering questions, expressive and language arts, dramatic play, mulit-sensory experiences, Alef-Bet Yoga, and Shira (music). Very basic Hebrew letter learning is also an exciting and new experience for Grade 1 students.

All Grade 1 students and their families participate in Mishpacha: Family Together (five program dates during the school year). New Grade 1 students also participate in a Consecration Ceremony, which marks the start of the students' formal Jewish education.

Grade 1 meets on Sundays 8:45am-10:45am or 11:00 am - 1:00pm

Grade 1 special events & dates calendar 2021-2022

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784