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Dalet (Grade 4)

Teacher: Rebecca Karen (Sundays)

                  Jennie Goldfarb, Rebecca Karen, Rebecca Winters, Michaela Shamash, Ros Shamash, Alex Hogan                           (Wednesday Electives)

Grade 4 students strengthen their connections to their religious school community and Jewish identity as they learn about prophets  and hone their Hebrew skills.  Our students will learn about the role prophets play in religion and the messages that are at the forefront of Reform Judaism.  They will study the differences between historical (those entering Israel) and literary prophets (focus on writings, speeches and poems).  Students will explore their own connection to prophets and be encouraged to understand their responsibility to others.   In addition, students will gain a new perspective on Jewish holidays and explore traditions at home and within Reform Judaism.  They will be able to bring these insights home to help families celebrate together.  A highlight of the 4th grade year is the Shabbaton during which 4th graders will come together for a day of learning and exploration. Students also participate in Hebrew groups and class time during which they learn the following prayers: Kiddush, Torah Blessings, Barchu, Shma and V’havtva. 

Grade 4 meets:

Sundays: 8:45am-10:45am or 11:00 am - 1:00pm

Wednesdays : 4:00pm-5:30pm

4th Grade Special Events & Dates Calendar 2021.2022

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784