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Zayin (Grade 7)

Teachers: Rebecca Karen, Rossyln Shamash & Michael Singer
Grade 7 students learn about themselves, their Jewish identity, and that the Torah is not just an ancient document, but rather a way of life. Students gain important tools to help them become Jewish adults and leaders in our community. Grade 7 students focus on the study of Tikkun Middot (repairing the world from the inside out) and Tikkun Olam (repair of the world). They also learn about a variety of other mitzvot (commandments) and Jewish values, including K’lal Yisrael (The Unity of the Jewish People), B’tzelem Elohim (Created in the Image of God), Hachnasat Orchim (Welcoming the Stranger), Tzedek (Justice), and L’dor v’dor (From Generation to Generation). In an effort to offer students a well-rounded, exciting, and stimulating curriculum, each 7th grade unit consists of a guiding Judaic text, Hebrew phrases, classroom and experiential learning. Grade 7 students also participate in t’ fillah (prayer) services and community building activities by celebrating each others’ B’nai Mitzvah in the K’hillah K’doshah (Holy Community) celebrations.

Students and families also participate in Mitzvah Projects, which are hands-on family/student mitzvah opportunities that take place outside of the classroom. These projects empower students to transform their inclass studies into hands-on acts of Tikkun Olam (repair of the world). Working together in family and student groups also helps families build a stronger sense of community. Each student/family is encouraged to participate in one of the Mitzvah Projects. 

7th Graders must be enrolled in Religious School in order to become a B'nai Mitzvah at Temple Isaiah.  The expectation is that, regardless of when the date of the ceremony is, all of our 7th graders will complete the religious school year.

Grade 7 meets on Wednesdays:

Community time and pizza from 5:30pm-6pm followed by class from 6pm-7:30pm

7th Grade Special Events & Dates Calendar 2021-2022

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784